Saturday 10 March 2012

Image//D&AD & Rain//KesselsKramer.

Before starting on my main body of research for the D&AD image brief, I wanted, out of curiosity, largely, to find out a little bit more about Erik Kessels, the graphic, marketing and advertising designer of whom set the brief, and would be presenting the D&AD North Lecture in Manchester on April 5th, whereupon the winner of the live brief would be awarded. 
I was not prepared for this.
As part of the advertising, word-of-mouth style of Kessel's work, the KesselsKramer design agency website is just as weird and wonderful as you might expect- with each "refresh" of the page bringing up a new equally bizarre website business that the design studio have mocked up as if an actual business (a business with a terrible website, may I add)...from cleaeners, to weather wizards, to plastic surgeons... truly bizarre...and I've coming way knowing little more than what I started with, but it certainly got the Graphic Design group talking (Therefore, in my opinion, they would class their job as done!)!

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